Live At Last!!!
Well here it is. I’ve been promising myself the indulgance of a website for a long time, and I’ve finally found time to create one. I do like working for myself, but it does tend to limit the amount of time I have at home to get these things done.
Being on the road quite a lot limits the amount of time I have to play radio with my base setup too…. so most of my operating is done whilst mobile. I’ve read a lot of different opinions on whether operating mobile is safe or not, and I think that the responsible operator can do both without risking himself or anyone else on the road. Okay, so some out there will disagree with me…… its a free world…. but in 30 years of operating mobile, some as passenger but most as driver, I don’t believe that my operating whilst on the move has ever caused any harm. There are a lot of poor drivers out on the roads, and operating whilst on the move or not isn’t going to change that…. they will still be poor drivers!!! Also, SPEED DOESN’T KILL….. its P*SS POOR DRIVING that kills…. but that’s a rant for another time……
So, if you’ve read past the above and got to here, thanks for sticking with it… I do sometimes go off on one!!. Anyway, I’m hoping to put some useful info on here, obviously radio related, and some of it will be technical and some won’t. Quite a lot will be related to my own experiences on the air, either listening or otherwise, and there will be some downloadables for you (got to create them first, so if you have any idea’s, please mail me and I will see what I can come up with).
Seriously though, I do have quite a lot of radio related info here at Mission Control, so if there is anything you need or could find useful, drop me a line at:, and I will either post it here or mail it back to you.
So, that’s it for the first post. Please bear with me, the site will go through quite a few changes before I settle on the theme that I like (and whilst I get used to how WordPress works!!), but I will try to make it as user-friendly as I can whilst doing this.
Please feel free to leave me a comment to let me know how I’m getting on!
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